Have you considered using an interactive cost calculator to estimate balcony inspection and repair costs in minutes? Maintenance and repair of buildings, including balcony inspection and repair, takes both time and money. The good news is that both time and money can be saved by using interactive cost calculators.
Exterior Elevated Element (EEE) Laws
The website drbalcony.com cites the SB721 and SB326 laws which define what Exterior Elevated Element are. They include balconies, decks, porches, stairways, walkways, and any entry structures that extend beyond the exterior walls of a building. They should have a walking surface that is elevated more than six feet above ground. They should also be specifically designed for humans. In terms of structural support, they should rely significantly on wood or wood-based products.
What are interactive cost calculators?
Interactive cost calculators are widgets that offer users personalized solutions. The user simply inputs data based on the question asked and receives the answer they are searching for. For example, interactive cost calculators for balcony inspection, maintenance and repair could ask questions such as: what is your budget range? Where are you located? What type is your balcony? What kind of inspection, maintenance or repair does your balcony need?
Importance of interactive cost calculators
It is important to estimate inspection and repair costs of balconies because this helps to budget your money, time and resources. It also helps you to compare different alternatives of contractors, brands of the materials needed and so on. All this can be a confusing and time consuming process but with a quality interactive cost calculator, hours can be reduced to minutes.
Estimating inspection or repair costs for balconies
Factors to consider when estimating inspection or repair costs for balconies include the size and complexity of the inspection or repair, condition and age of the balcony, quality and availability of labour and materials, location and season when the inspection or repair will be conducted. Examples of clues that point to structural integrity issues include, visible cracks, missing screws, loose connections or improperly secured connections; wobbling, sagging or instability of the balcony, metal components affected by corrosion and damaged or decaying wood components.
Interacting with a cost calculator
The cost of inspecting balconies also depends on whether a simple visual check is needed versus making a small hole using a borescope to see inside, versus taking off a layer of stucco if the framing is hidden by stucco. A quality interactive cost calculator will ask you how high the balcony is from the ground because a hard to reach balcony will be more expensive to inspect. Furthermore, if specialized equipment will be needed to inspect or repair the balcony, then the costs will be higher, for example, specialized lifting equipment.
What makes a good interactive cost calculator for estimating balcony inspection or repair?
An interactive cost calculator for estimating balcony inspection and repair costs should be easy to use since users will have different technical ability. The language used should be free of jargon since most users will be people who do not work in the construction industry. It should also come with various customization options because users will have different preferences, budgets, balcony styles and balcony inspection and repair needs.
It is important to conduct regular preventive maintenance for balconies. This will reduce wear and tear, which will reduce the overall repair costs. An interactive cost calculator to estimate balcony inspection and repair is an additonal tool in your cost-saving tool box since it will help you save time and money way before the balcony inspection or repair process begins.